I just read Mabel Collins treatsie titled " Light on the Path". Mabel Collins was part of the Theosophical Society in the late nineteenth century.
We are all treading a path, but are we aware of the direction in which we are going , the hurdles we are likely to encounter, and the means at our disposal to over come them ? The path is of our own choosing , we must own responsibility for it and not blame others for any mishaps that ocurr on the way. Even if we feel pressured by guides, we always have the option of turning to our inner guide who truly loves us. We must learn to listen to our inner self waiting patiently by our side. We can do so only if we close our ears to the cacophony around us. We must learn to see and we can do so only if we see through the world around us, see the unity behind the diversity,
the real from the unreal.
All those who are on the path must go through Mabel Collins Light On the Path.