Monday, September 29, 2008

Mystic Moments

mystic moments
Those lovely moments snatched on a lonely beach,
those colours ........shades of pink were they ?
suffused on shimmering waters
a calm yet vibrant energy
drew me to that manifest rosy
dawn, noon and sunset ---- all rollen in one
like the ever flowing time of past , present and future
for the three are alike
each sewn into the other.
You shake your head,
well so did I,
once upon a time.
Fool that I was ,
I chose to run from from
the glorious moment on the beach
in a hurry to catch
missed trains and chequered schedules.
Yet my memory on its own clicked
the image in the still shaky screen
of my meandering mind
and I return to it in bliss
like Wordsworth to his Daffodils.

I feel we often overlook the beautiful present for a criss crossed past and an unknown future.
We should live in the NOW.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

managing anger word short of DANGER which needs to be spelt in capitals because our daily lives revolve around both. we are angry at one and all but mostly at our own selves. we are angry because we are unable to fulfill our own expectations, our own desires and we blame others. it matters not but to overcome it ,a simple exercise of pouring it all out in a diary in pencil may help. Take out your pent up emotions, use whatever language you feel like and leave it. Read it up the next day and if you want to erase with an eraser. You'll erase the emotions from your heart. Try it.