Thursday, March 25, 2010

Balanced Poise

We must learn to tap the laughter and the joy within us. Very often we link our happiness with some one else, which is natural, because we are social beings. But a line needs to be drawn to restrict absorbing negative feelings of others. We must learn not to become a sponge. If we remain unaffected, we can help others better. Our spirit of joy will become a source of strength to those in need.
Remaining unaffected is not easy. It needs constant practice of being alert to what thoughts enter our mind. We have to be careful of our speech also. Living a life of balanced poise helps in remaining calm. A person walking on a tight rope maintains his or her balance with a long pole in both the hands. Life is a tight rope walk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really did you watch your words with your son and you should make as many people do my darshan that is your duty first practice then preach baba