Saturday, March 6, 2010

Inner Peace

At times we are all restess, not knowing what to do with our spare time. Nothing appears to satisfy. We may pursue one thing or the other in our search for inner satisfaction. We must recognise this as the restlessness of the soul, of our inner self.
We cannot survive without taking adequate care of the body. Similarly, we have to take care of the needs of our inner self for our own peace. Time has to be kept apart for caring to the needs of the inner self. Beautiful nature is the ready means to connect within. The beauty of creation, be it the colourful flowers or majestic trees in a park, silences the turmoil within. Listening to the sounds of creation such as the chirping birds, the falling rain, the rustle of the leaves, the waves of the sea all soothe the restlessness of the spirit. Looking up at the sky itself helps us to connect within.
This inner connection is the key to our inner peace.

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