Thursday, March 11, 2010

Empathising with Others

Empathy is required in our everyday life. When we feel irritated, we need to stem our irritation by seeing the other person's actions from a different angle. Even our own, for that matter. This may not be possible all the time. The next best thing is to think about the day's events just before sleeping. In that tired state, the mind is defenceless and new insights are possible. This can occur only if we are ready to make the requisite effort.
We have three aspects to our personality.
The first is what others think we are.
The second is what we think we are.
The third is what we actually are.
In the half asleep state, our real self, what we actually are peeps out. This is the time when we become aware of the reasons for our own actions and reactions. This eases the pressure on our mind and helps in sound sleep.

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