Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Will power needs to be developed with discrimination. We should be strong willed with compassion and not by being obstinate. Will power really means having the courage of your convictions. Stubbornness is sticking to your point of view even when disaster is imminent. A strong willed person may stoop to conquer or acknowledge his or her mistake. A sense of justice and fair play are the hallmark of strong will power along with a pragmatic approach to life.

The stubborn will refuse to accept and see reason. The strong willed will understand the need for adjustments and act accordingly.

Ideally proper will power should developed in childhood under the guidance of the parents. As grown ups we should set small goals and seek to fulfill them. The inner satisfaction will make the effort worth while. Try it !!

1 comment:

Francis R. Barbour said...

The Key is to let go of our lives and let Yahweh do that, which He must, in us and through us... each day to lay down our lives and pick up our own crosses... and follow Yahshua into our own deaths! Only then can we live in Him and [ultimately] through Him.

For many of us, however, such a simple act of unconditional obedience isn't possible... for we neither have, nor understand, such LOVE.